Join us for Advent of Haystack this December 🌲

Open-source LLM framework to build production-ready applications

  • Use the latest LLMs: hosted models by OpenAI or Cohere, open-source LLMs, or other pre-trained models
  • All tooling in one place: preprocessing, pipelines, agents & tools, prompts, evaluation and finetuning
  • Choose your favorite database: Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, Weaviate, Pinecone, Qdrant, Milvus and more
  • Scale to millions of documents: use Haystack's proven retrieval architecture

People in our community work for

Enabling Semantic Search

Question Answering

Ask questions in natural language and find granular answers in your documents using the latest QA models with the help of Haystack pipelines.

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Document Search

Perform semantic search and retrieve ranked documents according to meaning, not just keywords!

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Latest Models

Make use of and compare latest pre-trained transformer based language models like OpenAI’s GPT-3, BERT, RoBERTa, DPR and more.

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Latest Models

Latest Models

Pick any Transformer model from Hugging Face's Model Hub, experiment, find the one that works.

Flexible Document Store

Flexible Document Store

Use Haystack NLP components on top of Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, or plain SQL.

Vector Databases

Vector Databases

Boost search performance with Pinecone, Milvus, FAISS, or Weaviate vector databases, and dense passage retrieval.



Build semantic search and question answering applications that can scale to millions of documents.



Building blocks for the entire product development cycle such as file converters, indexing functions, models, labeling tools, domain adaptation modules, and REST API.



It's not one-size-fits-all! Combine nodes into flexible and scalable pipelines and launch powerful natural language processing systems.

Start exploring Haystack!

  • 11.7k Stars
  • 220 Contributors

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Our community on Discord is for everyone interested in NLP, using Haystack or even just getting started!